It doesn’t matter what you call it…
How do you become a badass? Or a Wild Woman?
Are you fucking kidding me!?
This is the wrong kind of thinking. This is the trap, and the lie. The idea that you can become someone else. Something outside of yourself. It’s not true.
It’s the opposite of the truth. That’s why so many people are stuck and feel like shit. This lie is the reason for so much depression and anxiety.
Almost every time I’ve fucked up in my life, almost every time I’ve done something or tolerated something that a badass would never tolerate… it’s because of all the layers of bullshit on top of the core of who I am.
These layers we all live with… shame, fear, guilt, stories we tell ourselves about what we “should” or shouldn’t do, all the bullshit limits you put on yourself, all the judgements of other people, all the expectations of others, the fear of disappointing people or being judged…
None of it is real.
It’s all bullshit. And this bullshit piles on top of us our whole lives. Sometimes it’s shoveled onto us by other people, or we absorb it by the culture we’re born into, or maybe you put this stuff on yourself.
Freedom. That’s what you really want. That’s what makes you a badass.
That’s the key to the lock of the prison of bullshit that exists in your mind.
So, how do you use the key? First you have to find it, to uncover it. Dig it out from under all the lies, the fear and stories you live with.
You dig it out by staring those lies in the face until they vaporize. You dig and dig, and sometimes you need help from someone else, and sometimes you hit a wall and have to dig in a new direction, but you keep digging until the only thing left is yourself.
Until the only thing left is a badass, a person who is truly free.
You don’t have to “become” a badass. Because you already are.